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Rectocele reddit

Rectocele reddit. So the tight muscles on top of the stool getting stuck in the rectocele was causing horrible constipation and incomplete emptying. The squatty potty increases internal pressure, which, if you’re hypertonic, only makes it even harder to pass a bowel movement and increases your chance of rectocele. I have a rectocele/cystocele repair scheduled for the 26th of this month. After the hysterectomy, I can still feel a bulge from inside the vagina, but splinting doesn't work. Nearly all of my pelvic pain has disappeared, but I have had some minor complications along the road to recovery (impacted stool, defecation syncope, Foley catheter for 6 days, UTI from foley, yeast infection from the antibiotics for the uti, it’s been a bumpy ride). It was a huge relief for me. Oh and there’s another one where your bladder drops, I think I kind of have that one too but not severe not sure what the name is but I see a bulge down there where my bladder is, but the buldge for my rectocele My reasoning for thinking it is a rectocele prolapse is because I am extremely gassy the last couple of weeks and constipated. I scheduled another follow up to check back in with the surgeon about 3 months post-op. I’m trying to figure out if they messed me up or if what I’ve been left with is normal. Incidence. recently had testing done and confirmed i have a moderate sized rectocele and cystocele. Also time. I don’t have any signs of infection (no fever, no terrible discharge, no increase in swelling from what I can tell). Have been using the releve device to splint and has been a lifesaver. Treatments-bladder sling and vaginoplasty (this will repair the rectocele along with narrowing the canal so everything is snuggly in place) I have a grade 2 rectocele and my muscles were so tight that I couldn’t fully relax the sphincters. I underwent a Sacrocolpopexy with mesh, hysterectomy (retained ovaries) and posterior repair. Ugh, me in a few months. Upon examination and googling, I determined I have a rectocele. 7lb and had a difficult forceps birth. Female/22 For the past 7 years I've been pushing on my perineum to help with pooping, I think i started because my step family moved in and I wanted… 1. I had a large rectocele that increased in size quickly over 6 months, so surgery seemed like the best option. I have been having pebble poops for 1-2 months. When you bear down use your abdominal muscles by bringing them inwards (like sucking your stomach in) instead of straining through your pelvis. My regular gynecologist was not happy I went elsewhere but I wanted someone with more experience performing my surgery. I am having vaginal laparoscopic surgery for a hysterectomy, anterior and posterior repair for uterine prolapse, cystocele, and rectocele. Childbirth did a number on my vagina and now I have a rectocele (a type of pelvic organ prolapse) that will need to be surgically repaired once I'm done having kids. It probably won't help with the hypertonic pelvic floor dysfunction, puborectalis syndrome, dyssynergia, rectal hypersensitivity/spasms but would help prevent stool trapped in the rectocele This is a subreddit to raise awareness and offer support for people with PFD. I had a really large posterior rectocele which I think first became weak because of a big tear that happened with forceps delivery during childbirth 25 years ago (I was 18 years old) since then I’ve had various things happen in that region which contributed to the point where I developed the rectocele and at some point, in the last 4 years This is a subreddit to raise awareness and offer support for people with PFD. Other laboratory tests and radiographic tests are generally not necessary. Now my rectocele is still there and have a possible cystocele as well per defogram. A rectocele can also be repaired through the abdomen, either laparoscopically, robotically or open. I started taking stool softeners and the constipation has resolved (woohoo) but the bulge is still there. Im almost back to normal. 5 weeks back in early 2017. A rectocele can't repair itself but needing surgery depends on if it's symptomatic. My surgery was in June and recovery was slow for me, but seems to be fast for most people. Yes, those are prescription medications, and yes, the rectocele is at least part of the problem. It’s not, it’s violent, and it felt like a car crash. So the less invasive option is a bulking agent into the sphincter to try to keep it nice and sealed and closed when I’m not pooping lol. Gynecologist also recommended the surgery. the real kicker is that now my employer decided to mandate a return back to the office 3 days a week even though we have been working remotely I have an enterocele (also small rectocele and mild cystocele, hypertonic pelvic floor, levator ani syndrome) I was told surgery means no sex again ever bc of vaginal narrow and vertical enterocele. If you have had a rectocele repair, I could really use some support right now. BUT. As a pelvic floor PT, I often see people after a rectocele repair to help re-coordinate their pelvic floor muscles and to help with best bowel habits. This scared me (hopefully) shitless. There is no enterocele or evidence of rectal prolapse. He was 7. I have a follow up next week. I have been experiencing a fairly extreme rectocele and pelvic floor pain. I will not lie, it was extremely painful for me the first 2 weeks, very uncomfortable for 2 weeks after that and by 6-8 weeks I was feeling better. I am not sure what to think, but since my total hysterectomy and prolapse repair on June 4, my BMs have been totally normal - I am a long term sufferer of what was previously diagnosed as IBS-d, with no clear cause- medication would occasionally help for traveling however my typical day would involve 5+ loose stools/uncomfortable diarrhea. I'm 99% sure it's a rectocele. i also cannot fully empty my bowels or my bladder, and cannot poop at all without splinting (although even that is starting to not be enough) it’s been getting a lot worse over the last few months and it’s getting I have a grade 2-3 rectocele, its annoying but not the end of the world. I have a history of chronic constipation, developed a rectocele in 2015, which has gotten worse since then. I had a hysterectomy and rectocele repair 4. Two days ago I had pressure in my butt that woke me up at 2am; I tried to poop but still came out pebble poops, and I also noticed a bump around my perineum. I'm a 30 yo female, 10 weeks postpartum diagnosed with a stage 3 rectocele and cystocele (uterus is not prolapsed). When this happens, tissues or structures just behind the vaginal wall — in this case, the rectum — can bulge into the vagina. I don’t mean to make it sound worse than it is, get it checked out. It still didn't help. But at 4 months pp, if you haven't had improvement a PT could help a lot. Imaging can and should be done to determine the size, if a hernia is associated with the prolapse (enterocele), and a defecogra I had a Grade 2 rectocele, Uterine Prolapse (they never said a grade for mine) and what they believed was a Grade 2 cystocele. I have chronic constipation. The vaginal sling feels great. Were you diagnosed with pelvic floor dysfunction at all or just a rectocele? Also if the muscles in your pelvic floor are dysfunctional generally your stomach muscles are as well. It has definitely helped me to not strain. Find a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. (I do pfpt, 35gm fiber, 72oz water, no lactose) This is a subreddit to raise awareness and offer support for people with PFD. Loved my surgeon, he was at Stanford. Hi, I'm not diagnosed with a rectocele, but believe I may have one. She referred me to the only place in town that has Uro- Gynos on staff. I had a hysterectomy, bladder sling and rectocele repair. Total fluoroscopy time: 0. A special test that can be done to confirm a rectocele is defecography. org Rectocele repair is a surgical procedure to correct a bulge in the wall between your rectum and vagina. I was not a surgical candidate for my small rectocele but always had trouble completely emptying. It has added about an inch, maybe inch and a half, to the perennial area. I feel like the vaginal opening was sewn too tight. I just now got up to 8 miles and depending on the time of day and what I've eaten, how much stress I'm under etc sometimes I still have days where it feels pretty bad. Saw my PCP. I used to lift heavy weights though, which I’ve since read can cause pelvic damage. I have ARJ descent too of 6. I think I have a tight pelvic floor from being a distance runner and not being mindful of stretching, and after lifting a 10kg bag from the floor last year, I started feeling some radiation in one of my legs. I’ve been working with PT’s, chiropractors, GI, OBGYN and colorectal surgeon to work through treatment solution options. The typical physical finding in a woman with a symptomatic rectocele is a lower posterior vaginal wall bulge. They were prepared to do a A lot of my symptoms line up with a rectocele / some kind of prolapse but I found little to no info on itching being a symptom. Has anyone had this experience, and had another one after? Is it possible to give birth with a rectocele without making it worse? Sep 14, 2022 · This review accompanies a retrospective analysis of outcomes after multidisciplinary, transvaginal rectocele repair procedures undertaken by three colorectal surgeons in 215 patients at a large teaching hospital in the UK. I was also extraordinarily constipated. I had a lot of pain post-op, mostly due to the rectocele repair. Last Monday I had a hysterectomy (tubes and uterus) rectocele and cystocele repair and a few other things, all done vaginally. Or perhaps it’s the unanswerable chicken/egg question: did the rectocele cause the constipation or vise versa? In my instance, there is a posterior bulge (rectocele) that reaches the opening - imagine a mouth sticking out a tongue a little bit so that the tongue is flush with the lips, sticking out further with strain - making at least the posterior prolapse moderate severity. I know this is way late, but I had a hematoma after my repair too. I apparently have a grade 2 rectocele with redundant tissue of the posterior vaginal wall and posterior fourchette. My dr keeps telling me to wait and see but I feel like something needs to be done. Treatment might involve: Observation. I just had the repair this morning. I had quite a large surgery for multiple things including a rectocele repair (posterior and anterior repair). I had the same issue after the repair, please don’t strain, the stitches could break, the squatty potty is a great advice, also the prune juice needs to be hot, lots of steamed veggies, lots of water and tea, since I started taking magnesium I am having a great bowel movement and it has helped me enormously in moments of constipation. The rectocele wasn’t that bad and it was done simply because my surgeon was going in there anyway. I live in a state with few specialists, but I have a rectocele the size of a man’s testicle bulging out of my vagina, blocking the opening. I was early 40’s. Aug 10, 2022 · A posterior vaginal prolapse, also known as a rectocele, occurs when the wall of tissue that separates the rectum from the vagina weakens or tears. I don't know if it has changed the size of my rectocele but I can now completely empty and have only 1-2 trips to the bathroom instead of 10. 2K subscribers in the PelvicOrganProlapse community. Due to rectocele I am experiencing a major decline in quality of life- I am unable to fully evacuate if I’m lucky to even have a BM at all. 6cm and the max is supposed to be 3cm or it’s considered abnormal perineal descent. Hopefully. That’s why the squatty potty is a bad idea. I got an emergency appointment with my physician, diagnosis confirmed. I had issues with it healing and lots of antibiotics. 7 weeks post op rectocele, cystocele, enterocele repair General Hard to believe bowels are functioning at around 80-85% of normal when 2 and a half years ago the only way I could empty my bowels was by pushing on pressure points bc I had anismus so bad. Possible rectocele? I inserted a finger into my vagina and felt an extremely hard lump in the upper back wall of my vagina which has led me to believe I have a rectocele, however the lump was hard like rock it almost felt like a bone, I tried pressing on it whilst sitting on the toilet but like I said it was rock hard so wouldn’t even budge. If the posterior vaginal prolapse causes few or no symptoms, simple self-care measures — such as performing Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles — might give relief. Reply reply I had a total hysterectomy (kept ovaries) on 1/10, with rectocele and cystocele repair and bladder reinforcement (I don't know if it was a sling?). No issues. Oh yes, I had rectocele prolapse, bladder too. The approach will depend on the size of the rectocele and the symptoms associated with the Had a consult yesterday that included "narrow, deep rectocele; upper rectal laxity; possible intermittent sigmoidal prolapse" that requires a surgical rectocele repair. A few weeks ago I noticed a large bulge in the back wall of my vagina. This can be done by plication (stitching the tissue together). I didn’t know I had some pelvic floor issues. A majority of patients had a large rectocele. In an isolated rectocele, the bulge extends from the edge of the levator plate to the perineal body. I just had a rectocele repair 7 days ago. She came out with such painful force that I tore pretty badly, and I have a pretty bad rectocele that never got better. For those I’ve been seeing a Urogynocologist. It shouldnt affect sex, though you may feel it when doing activities or sitting. . The rectocele itself is fixed, and based on it's location and what degree the tear was, the surgeon pretty much said I won't be able to damage it again (aside from giving birth again). I've had constipation on and off, trouble completely emptying bowel movements, hemorrhoids, feeling like I need to have multiple bowel movements and just rectal discomfort in general. The pain isn't too bad after the first day, until your first BM, then it's soreness near the incision. The rectocele is only part of my problem and my other problem is the anal sphincter is kind of U shaped now instead did a circle. 2 Performing defecography in young, healthy volunteers, Shorvon et al identified small rectoceles in 17 of 21 women (81%), with 10 of these (48% of total) measuring >1 cm. 5 yrs ago. Hello, I’m a 38 year old female, two kids with no plans to have anymore. I had a total hysterectomy and rectocele repair in November. I went abroad to seek medical treatment and got my rectocele repaired through STARR surgery at a clinic in India. I am also having a sling operation for stress incontinence. They won’t even let me in for rectocele repair because my pelvic floor is too fucked up. Sadly though the vagina is only half the problem. I’ve got to do pre-procedure Botox (first one is on Friday) and then I’ve got to go through who knows how many diagnostics where they’ll probably also find out that my small intestine isn’t where it should be and they also want to scope for endo and all of this means at Current diagnosis-stage 2 rectocele, stage 2 cystocele, stage 0/1 uterine prolapse. I had a total lap hysterectomy with cystocele and rectocele repair. She recommended the rectocele surgery and gave me a script to see a GI specialist. I’ve had a lot of cramping and some vaginal pain, but the last two days my vagina opening is so sore. *So - if splinting doesn't work - bearing in mind that rectocele surgery is within the vagina - at not the rectum/colon - how do they know the rectocele is in a location in which the surgery is effective?* There is a small amount of residual contrast within the anterior rectocele on postevacuation images. Anyways I have a hypertonic pelvic floor as well as rectocele I am 26 years old and my son is 5. 7 minutes. Nov 18, 2019 · Evaluation of a rectocele is determined mainly by the clinical exam. The surgeon also plans to remove any large hemorrhoids during the outpatient procedure, too. Pelvic floor dysfunction refers to a wide range of issues that occur when muscles of the pelvic floor are weak, tight, or there is an impairment of the muscle, nerves or joints. Recently this year I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Rectocele. Your provider may recommend surgical repair if you have symptoms like pain, difficulty pooping or sexual dysfunction. I did pfpt recently! They did an initial internal exam and checked progress every couple weeks but other than that it was just learning exercises to correct all those muscles moved around during pregnancy. I’m three weeks PP. 999999% in women. I'm still a little tender with the posterior repair, but cleared for normal activities. Yep I’m going to see a colorectal surgeon later this month for a physical exam so he can determine whether the rectocele surgery would help me. I had rectal prolapse often as a child. See full list on my. I honestly wouldn’t rely on manually removing the stool multiple times a day. I have not given birth. I'm 5 days post rectocele repair, and so far, it's not horrible. I am about 10 weeks post-op. I started going to pelvic floor therapy again (I had done it before with no luck) but this time since the therapist knew I had a rectocele, we approached therapy differently. I also had 4 vaginal births which can explain the other ones. This is a community geared towards women suffering with any form of Pelvic Organ Prolapse… On Saturday all these symptoms went away but I had a doctors appointment for today. The true incidence of rectoceles is unknown, but asymptomatic posterior compartment prolapse has been reported in approximately 40% of parous women. I was told it's pretty normal after delivery and I just have to deal with it unless it gets worse or more uncomfortable. Fast labor sounds great. 7 x 2. I’m looking for info on how your surgical site/scar healed after your repair. Mostly kegels in increasingly difficult positions (like at first laying down but eventually standing up or doing a lunge). I’m considering surgery or a pessary , but the doc said a pessary isn’t as effective for a rectocele as it is for the other prolapses . Does this sound like a rectocele to you and should I request anything during my follow up? I ended up having surgery, but they only treated the vaginal side of the issue, removing some of the tissue to try and reverse the stretching that had happened to cause the rectocele. I am still very active; I go running all the time with a pessary (the pessary supports my other organs, not my rectocele). I did it because I thought I was forming a rectocele but with pfpt corrected it early. Occasionally, mesh (a prosthetic material or patch) can be used to reinforce the repair. Rectocele can be from chronic constipation and you should consider seeing a GI doc for that. With an enlarging rectocele, the perineal body may become distended and loose its bulk, leading to a perineocele. I had a urethral sling put in and a rectocele repair 3 weeks ago today ! The sling is awesome!! Very life changing. Have you tried using a splinting device to help manage your rectocele during bms? It has helped me reducing straining and almost eliminate incomplete bms. I know most people have leakage with a prolapse. I still have the rectocele, which probably worse now (a year later) and now my bladder is prolapsing. Thanks for checking in! I am now 6 weeks post op. It didn’t heal right despite taking all kinds of things to make stool soft. I noticed I had an (internal) bulge at the back of my vagina at about 5 weeks postpartum, after chronic constipation and pressure while pooping following the birth of my first baby. Posted by u/CarRealistic8143 - 2 votes and no comments Not sure where else to post on Reddit where I can get some advice/stories on postpartum (in my case 4 years postpartum) rectal prolapse and what treatment you undertook, and how was recovery? My story so far: all started in my first pregnancy which ended as a missed miscarriage at 12. I had a rectocele and suffered with the symptoms for nearly a year. Have appointment in 4 days to hopefully confirm or R/O. Reddit won’t let me reply for some reason. Also it seems to move when I bare down for a BM. Urogynocologist. In doing some investigating I realized it’s a rectocele. After 20 years on anti-depressants my constipation was so bad that I developed a rectocele. The first thing to do is do everything you possibly can to release tension. This was in 2009. If it’s a rectocele it’s the thinning of the wall between the vagina and the rectum. This is a subreddit to raise awareness and offer support for people with PFD. 3 weeks post op I still feel pressure/ swelling in my rectal area. There’s a condition called rectocele where your rectum falls into your vagina and it messed up your ability to use the restroom. On top of this I developed a rectocele prolapse which is now worsening and is becoming uncomfortable, and I need to go back to my pelvic floor therapist for next steps with possible surgery. The second day was rough, but by day 3 I didn't have to use anything but Advil and Tylenol. Bleeding was really bad and lots of antibiotics for preventing infection. I am going to talk to the surgeon again on the 16th about doing the whole surgery So 6 months after the colon resection, he ordered an MRI Defecography which revealed a rectocele, which apparently is rare in males. I had a hard delivery as far as pushing him out and I tore during birth and had stitches. I had a hysterectomy 2 years prior. Not sure how the rectocele came about. Definitely take miralax and drinks fluids. I have already had one rectocele repair, prolapse repair and bladder put into sling. Best thing to do is try to put it out of your mind. I’ve worked through a lot of my hormonal and digestion issues at this point (luckily. I had a rectocele repair (vaginal) and ended up with a hematoma. ) Does anybody else here have rectocele? My understanding is that rectocele is absurdly rare in men Like 99. I am so upset thinking about the scar tissue inside my vagina. 3 Rectovaginal septal defects and posterior compartment prolapse This is a subreddit to raise awareness and offer support for people with PFD. The patient will have contrast medium instilled in the vagina, bladder, and rectum. IMPRESSION: 2. Other than those as symptoms, you'll usually be given a description of the physical exam, and they have to make it obvious. I can't even insert a tampon, the bulge is so large. If the bulge is anterior, probs cystocele, if it's posterior, probs rectocele. I notice a change in my pelvic floor and not being able to properly put in a tampon. Grade 1 cystocele and rectocele so certainly not the worst but even after a year of PT I am still not back to running distance comfortably. Aug 10, 2022 · Treatment depends on how severe your prolapse is. 3 cm anterior rectocele, with incomplete emptying of the rectocele during evacuation. I struggle with constipation after my son. I’m feeling extremely depressed because of this and because aside from the rectocele repair, I’d feel pretty much back to normal at this point. clevelandclinic. I have so much anxiety about the competency of the surgery center & very little faith in my ueogynecologist (I have a stage 3 uterine prolapse as well & he refuses to give a hysterectomy because I’m 28). I noticed about a week ago that I had a pink bulge at the opening of my vagina. 5 weeks ago, I know I still have more recovery time to go but I have persistent pain in one area. It's been getting larger, and now is low enough that I can see it while straining. That was 3. Mar 7, 2020 · My situation: Self-diagnosed rectocele. For the last few years I've thought I should try a cup, but I never actually got around to trying one until recently. I'm still doing the daily exercises. But it didn't solve the rectocele. So it’s been about 6 months. My physical therapist has told me I've learned everything I'm going to learn from therapy. I'm still googling how to recover, but so far it seems rest and walking is best (the post-op instructions leave a lot to interpretation). i’ve been having bowel incontinence, and awful achey pressure pain that’s constant. Like I said they also thought it could be a rectocele, they did a pelvic exam (asked me to bear down/cough) but they didn’t see/feel anything. Some patients also underwent an anterior levatorplasty and/or an enterocele You'll often get some kind of urinary symptoms associated with cystocele, and similarly it's not uncommon to get constipation with rectocele. See a colorectal surgeon, gastroenterologist, gynecologist or urogynocologist, they can tell by a physical exam if you have a prolapse. I saw up to 30% of women use vaginal splinting to help ensure a full evacuation during a bowel movement. noubrx lhpt hucv vcr plipqf xmb vtohst uca dvsm ghqdi